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Level 5 Operations Departmental Manager 

This apprenticeship is a unique opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful leader and manager. You will learn from experienced professionals and gain hands-on experience in all aspects of operational and departmental management. Upon completion, you will earn a nationally recognized qualification and be prepared for a wide range of roles in the private, public, and third sectors.

If you are ambitious and passionate about leadership, apply today and launch your leadership career.

What am I going to learn?

Level 5 Operations Departmental Manager 

To complete the Highfield Level 5 Operations Departmental Manager  Apprenticeship, you must complete

all of the following units:

1. Operational Planning and Management

2. Managing Teams

3. Communication Skills

4. Personal and Professional Development

5. Planning a Project Proposal

6. Delivery of a Project Proposal

7. Project Proposal Output

Working at home

How am I going to be assessed?

The Gateway

Once you have completed your apprenticeship training, you will be asked to attend a Gateway meeting. This is a meeting between yourself, the assessor, and your employer to agree that the you have now gained the skills and knowledge to complete the apprenticeship exam/assessment, which is known as the End Point Assessment (EPA). The you will need to have completed your Off The Job Training and if required, passed the Functional Skills Level 2 Maths and Level 2 English.

The gateway meeting is a positive step in the apprenticeship journey. It is a chance for the apprentice to demonstrate their hard work and dedication, and to get closer to completing their apprenticeship successfully.

The Level 5 Operations Departmental Manager End-Point-Assessment is divided into to 2 sections. 

  • Project proposal, presentation and questioning

       A project proposal must be developed by the apprentice while on-programme and should cover a       

       relevant and defined piece of work that has a real business benefit and should demonstrate that the project will     

       provide sufficient opportunity for the apprentice to cover the criteria mapped to the project proposal, presentation and

       questioning assessment component. (20 minute project and 40 minute questioning.)

  • Professional discussion, underpinned by portfolio of evidence

      The portfolio of evidence is a collection of work products and other

      materials that demonstrate the apprentice's knowledge, skills, and behaviours. It is not formally assessed, but

      apprentices may refer to it during the professional discussion with the assessor. The portfolio should be agreed upon 

      by the employer and apprentice and should contain at least one piece of evidence for each knowledge, skill, and

      behaviour. Evidence sources include workplace documentation, witness statements, annotated photographs,   

      video/audio extracts, written statements, project plans, reports, minutes, observation reports, presentations, papers or

      reports written by the apprentice, CPD log, personal development plan (PDP), and performance reviews.


      The portfolio must be valid and attributable to the apprentice, and the employer must confirm this in a statement. 

      (60 minute professional discussion)

Cup of Coffee

3. How am I going to learn?

Hygiene Sue will create a Google Drive folder for you, containing modules with your coursework and textbooks. The modules will be divided into workbooks and textbooks.


The workbooks will contain activities and exercises that you will need to complete, while the textbooks will provide more in-depth information on the topics covered. At the start of your Apprenticeship, you will be allocated an assessor who will teach and assess you every two weeks, both virtually and on site.

Boxes on Conveyor Belt

Off The Job Training

Off-the-job training is learning that takes place outside of an apprentice's day-to-day work duties and is directly relevant to their apprenticeship. The training will be a mix of different activities that will help you develop as an employee. Here are a few examples:

  • Shadowing: Learn from experienced colleagues by following them around and observing their work.

  • In-house training: Take part in employer-provided training programs.

  • Coaching: Get one-on-one guidance from experienced professionals.

  • Self-study: Read books and articles, watch videos, or take online courses.

  • Training in new working practices or new equipment: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your field.

  • Assessments, assignments, and projects: Demonstrate your learning through assessments, assignments, and projects.

  • Practical training: Get hands-on experience in the workplace.

Happy Office Talk

Functional Skills

Depending on your previous Maths and English qualifications, you will need to complete Level 2 functional skills in both subjects at the beginning of your apprenticeship. Your assessor will explain what is involved in more detail.

Hygiene Sue - Policies and Procedures

Hygiene Sue fully supports the principles of equality and diversity, safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults and the right to a fair assessment .We are committed to satisfying these principles in all our activities and published material. A copy of our policies and procedures are available here

Contact Us

Phone:  01892 524957 

Mobile: 07786980934

Post: 42 Eridge Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8HR

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© 2016-2022 Hygiene Sue Ltd. Training provider delivering courses in food Safety, teacher training & Apprenticeships.  Registered office

Registered address: 42 Eridge Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN4 8HR    Country of Incorporation: England. Registered No:2946389

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